Marisa: Hey Reimu. Reimu: What is it, Marisa? Marisa: Do ya remember that little shop in the human village? What was it called… uh… that little shop of Raspberry! Reimu: Little shop of Raspberry? Nope. I don’t even recall the name. Marisa: Really? Dang, then am I just misremembering things again? Reimu: It’s probably your old age showing again. Marisa: Hey! 26 isn’t that old! I’m still in the prime of my life! Reimu: Just yesterday you found a strand of gray hair in those golden locks of yours. Marisa: I-I’m sure that’s just a side affect from one of the potions I brewed. Reimu: Whatever helps you sleep at night. Marisa: But it’s weird though… I can imagine this shop perfectly in my head. There were displays of cool toys for the kids, sweets -- it even had a nurse’s station. Reimu: Hmm… now that you mention it, it does feel vaguely familiar. Though the human village hasn’t had a nurse since Eirin started supplying the place with her medicine. Marisa: Yeah… that’s true. Yet for some reason, I can imagine you and I getting some lollipops at this little shop that both Yukari and Mima-sensei bought us. Reimu: Oh! What did Yukari like to call this… the Mandela Effect! Marisa: Eh? What’s that? And who’s Mandela? Reimu: Yukari said the Mandela Effect is where you and everyone else’s brain remembers one thing, yet that thing never actually happened. As for Mandela, I think he’s some kind of leader from the outside world? Yukari says the phenomenon got it’s name from the outside world believing that he died in prison. Marisa: Huh, so essentially the world temporarily changes it’s perception of say this Mandela guy into believing he was dead, when in actuality he was still alive and well? I wonder if it’s possible for someone to get into Gensokyo because of that. So many people believe that you never existed, and you wake up in Gensokyo the next day. Reimu: It would be weird, though it would also mean that the youkai get a free meal and I’m not obligated to protect outside world humans. Marisa: Yeah, because you’re lazy like that. Reimu: Eh, if they come to the Shrine then I’ll protect them while I wait for Yukari to send them home but I think we’re getting far off point. I think you’re suffering under the Mandela Effect in regards to that little shop of Raspberry. Marisa: You’re probably right, ze~ Reimu: Figures you wouldn’t care about it. Marisa: I mean… what is there to care about? You explained it yourself. My memory messed up and changed my perception, but now that I know that there was no such thing as the Little Shop of Raspberry as well as the nurse of said shop, what is there to worry about, ze? Reimu: I sure wish I had your easy-going attitude. Marisa: Everyone does, sweetheart. Now, tell me about that oni you fought recently. The one that almost killed ya. Reimu: Ugh I didn’t almost die. I could’ve started my heart again if I wanted to! Marisa: Sure, sure, even if you did die, I’m certain Yukari would’ve just brought ya back. Reimu: I swear that hag cares too much about me sometimes… though sometimes I don’t really mind. It feels nice. Anyways, I guess I’ll tell you the story from the beginning then.