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Friday Night Funkin' is a game renowed for its almost unlimited modding capabilites, even before the creation of /funkg/, the idea of making their own original mods for the game, was a common ambition for the anons at the FNF threads in /v/. And so, when /funkg/ was born on April 5, 2021, it was natural that the anons in there would soon strive to make their own mods for the general, using the threads for feedback and advice, and so they did, with dozens upon dozens of aspiring modders sprunging up to make and share their numerous mods in /funkg/, with many of them becoming acclaimed beyond the general.

Yet, for every succesful mod released, there has been countless mods that have failed to released or never got up in the first place, with their only existence buried deep in long archived threads. The mere nature of 4chan as an anonymous site meant that communication within is difficult, for one day a known modfag can vanish and not return. And so, documenting which mods were being worked on, and which ones released has always been a difficult task, and while the existence of the Mod Anchor posts early in /funkg/'s history may have congregated mod progress into useful links, it was clear that a permanent repository was needed.

And so, from that, came numerous places to serve as the wiki for /funkg/.

Wiki 0.0, The Google Doc

The first place to serve as a recompilation of /funkg/'s information, was a simple Google Doc created around May 2021. It was owned by an anonymous user, as well as managed by other couple anons, known as the Docanons. The doc simply listed a quick recap of currently developing mods, a couple links, and some assets of them. Though useful at first, it was rarely updated much, and as the doc got bigger, it suffered from really serious lag, as Google intended. Eventually around November of the year, it would be abandoned, and subsequently vandalized to hell and back, without much outcry from the thread. The doc had served its purpose, and with more and more mods to document, a more suitable site was needed.

Wiki 1.0, Miraheze's /funkg/ wiki

The /funkg/ wiki (or the first wiki) was a wiki hosted in Miraheze that was created around December 2021, after rejecting using FANDOM for obvious reasons. Using the power of mediawiki, and copy and pasting modules and templates from Wikipedia, the site became the template from which all subsequent wikis would be based on, with elements such as the Writing Policy and FAQ staying largely unchanged from those days. From its creation, the /funkg/ wiki quickly grew to document dozens of mods, both modern at the time, and old, as well as staying up to date with the progress made on the threads. Yet, for all it's achievements, there would be two key things that would soon become the downfall of the wiki.

First, as it was hosted on Miraheze, the host obviously had the ultimate say on what could be written there, and while it never tried to censor any article, it did strike down the archived mods page from the wiki, upon request of MORO in vengeance after an Indie Cross build was leaked in /funkg/.

Second, the place had a policy where only authorized anons could edit anything, with everyone else only able to read the articles, and while it had worked at first, when the wiki owner (MetallixAnon) was both interested in the place and had an active team to manage editing, but then he and his crew became ever less active, until finally neglecting the place all-together, and with no anons able to edit on their own, the site soon became fully abandoned by May 2022. With Miraheze finally deleting the place in 2023, after over an year of inactivity.

Wiki 2.0, Funkipedia

As the first wiki laid abandoned for months, and /funkg/ continuing to make mods, it was clear that something had to be done, and so as anons became fed up waiting for MetallixAnon to return, in August 2022, an Anon by the name of "Coolfren" remade the wiki, this time on an independent domain called, the wiki had been reborn as Funkipedia, and this time, anyone could freely edit.

This wiki would run for a year, documenting all the missing mods and updating old articles, dramatically expanding the number of mod pages to over a hundred, as it also upgraded some old templates and navboxes to make the wiki look slighty less ugly. Coolfren was the sysjanny of the site, adding upgrades as requested, but overall having a very hands off approach, leaving anons to manage all the editing for themselves without interference.

Funkipedia had proven to be more sucessful than the old wiki, and seemed to be the permanent site to be /funkg/'s wiki, however, it's would run into a very different problem from it's predecessor. The old wiki as part of Miraheze, was hosted for free by the site, and so, didn't have to worry about paying the bills for hosting, Funkipedia meanwhile, as an independent domain, did had to worry about them. And while Coolfren did pay for a full year of hosting, once that year came to an end, Funkipedia's domain would expire, and by the time anons took notice of the deadline, Coolfren had gone the way of Metallixanon, being unable to be contacted with.

In addition to that, as the wiki's deadline came closer and closer, the site became infested with Korean and German bots spamming their sites and shilling their scams, without anything to stop them from overrunning the wiki.

And so, in August 31, Funkipedia died, and anons were already planning for its replacement.

Wiki 3.0, Funkinchan

As Funkipedia died, there were already plans for another wiki to serve as its replacement, this time hopefully serving as the permanent site for good. After two weeks of preparations, Funkinchan would be born in September 2023, again on an independent domain, this time on the domain, and with a more easily contactable owner. Along the way, in addition to moving in all the old articles and pages from the previous wikis, the site would also upgrade its CSS and install various new extensions and modules to modernize the place for once, writing new pages such as this one to cement itself away from the barebones nature of is previous incarnations.

Time will tell if the third time's the charm, or soon we will be writing about the fourth version of the /funkg/ wiki.