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This is the documentation page for Module:Params

The {{#invoke:params}} module is designed to be adopted by those templates that want to have a deep control of their parameters. It is particularly useful to variadic templates, to which it offers the possibility to count, list, map and propagate the parameters received without knowing their number in advance.

The module offers elegant shortcuts to non variadic templates as well. Outside templates it has virtually no applications; hence, if you plan to make experiments, make sure to do them from within a template, or you will not be able to see much.

In case your template uses this module, please add Template:Tji to its the documentation page, so that if breaking changes will be introduced in the future the template will be easily traceable.

General usage

Among the possibilities that the module offers there is that of performing a series of actions after novel arguments have been concatenated to a template's incoming parameters. As this makes it necessary to keep the argument slots clean from interferences, instead of named arguments in order to specify options this module uses piping functions (i.e. functions that expect to be piped instead of returning to the caller), or modifiers. This creates a syntax similar to the following example:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Script error: The function "[modifier]" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

For instance, as the name suggests, the list function lists the parameters wherewith a template was called. By default it does not add delimiters, but returns an indistinct blob of text in which keys and values are sticked to each other. However, by using the setting modifier, we are able to declare a key-value delimiter (p) and an iteration delimiter (i). And so, if we imagined a template named {{Example template}} containing the following wikitext,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

and such template were called with the following arguments,


the following result would be produced:

Owlman: A giant owl-like creature
Beast of Bodmin: A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor
Morgawr: A sea serpent

We can also do more sophisticated things; for instance, by exploiting the possibility to set a header (h) and a footer (f), we can transform the previous code into a generator of definition lists,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

thus yielding:

Beast of Bodmin
A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor
A sea serpent
A giant owl-like creature

By placing the with_name_matching modifier before the list function we will be able to filter some parameters out – such as, for instance, all parameter names that do not end with an “n”:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

Thus, the previous code will produce:

Beast of Bodmin
A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor
A giant owl-like creature

This mechanism has the intrinsic advantage that it allows to concatenate infinite modifiers. And so, in order to get the accurate result that we want to obtain we could write:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

The two modifiers sequential and non-sequential refer to a technical jargon used in wikitext: given a parameter list, the subgroup of sequential parameters is constituted by the largest group of consecutive numerical parameters starting from Template:Tjp – this is known as the parameters' “sequence”. A parameter list that does not have a first parameter specified does not possess a sequence.


Here follows the list of functions. You might want to see also § Modifiers.



Function count
Num. of arguments0
Often preceeded bysequential
Not affected byall_sorted
See also
Count the number of parameters wherewith a template was called
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>0</syntaxhighlight>

This function does not take arguments.



Function concat_and_call
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Not affected byall_sorted
See also
Prepend numerical arguments to the current parameters or impose non-numerical arguments, then propagate everything to a custom template
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: expandTemplate: template "template name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

For example, if our {{Example template}} had the following code,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Lua error: expandTemplate: template "foo bar" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

and were called with,


the following call to the {{Foo bar}} template would be performed:


If no other argument besides the template name are provided this function simply echoes the current parameters to another template.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the template name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The concat_and_call function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function concat_and_invoke
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Not affected byall_sorted
See also
Prepend numerical arguments to the current parameters, or impose non-numerical arguments; then propagate everything to a custom module
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:module name' not found.</syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like concat_and_call, but invokes a module instead of calling a template.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the module name and the function name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The concat_and_invoke function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function value_of
Num. of arguments1
Relevant runtime variablesh, f, n
Not affected byall_sorted
See also
Get the value of a single parameter
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

Without modifiers this function is similar to writing <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>. With modifiers, however, it allows to reach parameters that would be unreachable without knowing their number in advance. For instance, writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

will expand to the value of the second-last sequential parameter, independently of how many parameters the template was called with. If no matching parameter is found this function expands to nothing. A header (h), a footer (f), and a fallback text (n) can be declared via the setting modifier – the strings assigned to the key-value pair delimiter (p) and the iteration delimiter (i) will be ignored.



Function list
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Relevant runtime variablesh, p, i, f, n
See also
List the template parameters (both their names and their values)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

This function does not take arguments.

If the setting modifier was not placed earlier, this function will not add delimiters, but will return an indistinct blob of text in which keys and values are sticked to each other. A header (h), a key-value pair delimiter (p), an iteration delimiter (i), a footer (f), and a fallback text (n) can be declared via setting.

For example, the following code

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">No parameters were passed</syntaxhighlight>

will generate an output similar to the following.

Parameters passed: Owlman (A giant owl-like creature); Beast of Bodmin (A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor); Morgawr (A sea serpent)



Function list_values
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Often preceeded bysequential
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
list, value_of, Template:Mlx
List the values of the incoming parameters
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

This function does not take arguments.

The sequential modifier normally accompanies this function. If the setting modifier was not placed earlier, this function will not add delimiters, but will return an indistinct blob of text in which values are sticked to each other. A header (h), an iteration delimiter (i), a footer (f), and a fallback text (n) can be declared via setting – the string assigned to the key-value pair delimiter (p) will be ignored.

For example, the following code

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">No parameters were passed</syntaxhighlight>

will generate an output similar to the following.

Values of parameters passed: A giant owl-like creature; A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor; A sea serpent.



Function call_for_each
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
call_for_each_value, invoke_for_each, magic_for_each, Template:Mlx, Template:Tl2
For each parameter passed to the caller template, call a custom template with at least two parameters (key and value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

All unnamed parameters following the template name will be placed after the key-value pair. Named parameters will be passed verbatim. A header (h), an iteration delimiter (i), a footer (f), and a fallback text (n) can be declared via the setting modifier – the string assigned to the key-value pair delimiter (p) will be ignored.

Calling a template for each key-value pair with

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

will be different than writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

In the first example each key-value pair will be passed to the {{foobar}} template, while in the second example the $# and $@ tokens will be expanded after the {{foobar}} template has been called. In most cases this will make no difference, however there are several situations where it will lead to nonsensical results.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the template name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The call_for_each function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function invoke_for_each
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
invoke_for_each_value, call_for_each, magic_for_each
For each parameter passed to the caller template, invoke a custom module function with at least two arguments (key and value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:module name' not found.</syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like call_for_each, but invokes a module instead of calling a template.

Invoking a module function for each key-value pair with

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:foobar' not found.</syntaxhighlight>

will be different than writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

In the first example each key-value pair will be passed to the Template:Ml module function, while in the second example the $# and $@ tokens will be expanded after the module function has been invoked. There might be cases in which this will make no difference, however there are several situations where it will lead to nonsensical results.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the module name and the function name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The invoke_for_each function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function magic_for_each
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
magic_for_each_value, call_for_each, invoke_for_each
For each parameter passed to the caller template, call a magic word with at least two arguments (key and value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like call_for_each, but calls a parser function instead of a template.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the magic word are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The magic_for_each function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function call_for_each_value
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Often preceeded bysequential
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
call_for_each, invoke_for_each_value, magic_for_each_value, Template:Mlx, Template:Tl2
For each parameter passed to the caller template, call a custom template with at least one parameter (i.e. the parameter's value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

The sequential modifier normally accompanies this function. All unnamed parameters following the template name will be appended after the value parameter. Named parameters will be passed verbatim. A header (h), an iteration delimiter (i), a footer (f), and a fallback text (n) can be declared via the setting modifier – the string assigned to the key-value pair delimiter (p) will be ignored.

For example, calling {{tl}} with each parameter can be done by writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

This will be different than writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

In the first example each value will be passed to the {{tl}} template, while in the second example the $@ token will be expanded after the {{tl}} template has been called. Here this will make no difference, however there are several situations where it will lead to nonsensical results.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the template name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The call_for_each_value function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function invoke_for_each_value
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Often preceeded bysequential
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
call_for_each_value, invoke_for_each, magic_for_each_value
For each parameter passed to the caller template, invoke a custom module function with at least one argument (i.e. the parameter's value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:module name' not found.</syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like call_for_each_value, but invokes a module instead of calling a template.

Invoking a module function for each value with

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:foobar' not found.</syntaxhighlight>

will be different than writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

In the first example each value will be passed to the Template:Ml module function, while in the second example the $@ token will be expanded after the module function has been invoked. There might be cases in which this will make no difference, however there are several situations where it will lead to nonsensical results.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the module name and the function name are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The invoke_for_each_value function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function magic_for_each_value
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
Often preceeded bysequential
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
call_for_each_value, invoke_for_each_value, magic_for_each
For each parameter passed to the caller template, call a magic word with at least one argument (i.e. the parameter's value)
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like call_for_each_value, but calls a parser function instead of a template.

For example, if a template had the following code,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

and were transcluded as <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:Example template</syntaxhighlight>, the {{urlencode:...|QUERY}} parser function would be called for each incoming parameter as first argument and with QUERY as second argument, and finally the returned text would be prefixed with &preloadparams%5b%5d=. This would generate,


which can be used to allow the creation of pages with preloaded text and parameters.


Template:A note All arguments passed to this function except the magic word are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The magic_for_each_value function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.



Function for_each
Num. of arguments1
Relevant runtime variablesh, i, f, n
See also
list, list_values, Template:Mlx, Template:Tl2
For each parameter passed to the caller template, expand all occurrences of $# and $@ within a given text as key and value respectively
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

The text returned by this function is not expanded further (currently this module does not offer an expand_for_each function). If you need wikitext expansion, use concat_and_call to propagate the incoming parameters altogether to the {{for nowiki}} template. Example:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Lua error: expandTemplate: template "for nowiki" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>


Template:A note The argument passed to this function is not trimmed of its leading and trailing spaces. The for_each function name itself, however, will be trimmed of its surrounding spaces.


Modifiers (piping functions)

The following are modifiers, i.e. functions that expect to be piped instead of returning to the caller. Each of them can be followed by either another modifier or a non-piping function.



Modifier sequential
Num. of arguments0
Conflicts withnon-sequential, all_sorted
See also
non-sequential, all_sorted, squeezing
Reduce the parameter list to the subgroup of consecutive parameters that follow Template:Tjp
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "pipe function name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">0</syntaxhighlight>

This modifier does not take arguments besides the name of the function that will follow.

Using sequential together with non-sequential will generate an error.


Template:A note Like non-sequential, the sequential modifier permanently marks a query. For instance, writing <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "..." does not exist.</syntaxhighlight> will first mark the query as “sequential”, then will discard the first element from the sequence (leaving all the others intact). And so, no matter how many other parameters will be present, nothing will be shown.



Modifier non-sequential
Num. of arguments0
Conflicts withsequential
See also
sequential, all_sorted
Reduce the parameter list by discarding the subgroup of consecutive parameters that follow Template:Tjp
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "pipe function name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

This modifier does not take arguments besides the name of the function that will follow.

Using non-sequential together with sequential will generate an error.


Template:A note Like sequential, the non-sequential modifier permanently marks a query, and no matter what transformations will follow (see squeezing) the parameters' “sequence” will not be shown.



Modifier all_sorted
Num. of arguments0
Conflicts withsequential
Has no effects oncount, value_of, concat_and_call, concat_and_invoke
See also
When the time will come, all parameters will be dispatched sorted: first the numerical ones, then the rest in alphabetical order
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "pipe function name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

This modifier does not take arguments besides the name of the function that will follow.

Normally only sequential parameters are dispatched sorted, whereas non-sequential ones are dispatched randomly. The all_sorted modifier ensures that nothing is left out of (alphabetical) order. Attention must be paid to the fact that parameters whose name is a negative number will appear first. To avoid this the squeezing modifier can be used.[1]

The all_sorted modifier only affects the way parameters are shown, but has no effects on functions that do not iterate or cannot impose an order, such as:


Template:A note The all_sorted modifier cannot be used with functions that propagate several parameters together in a single call, like concat_and_call and concat_and_invoke, because during a call the order of arguments is always lost. For the same reason, it is not possible to guess the order of named parameters a template was invoked with.



Modifier setting
Num. of arguments2–6 (variable)
Memory slots
i Iteration delimiter
p Key-value delimiter
h Header text
f Footer text
n Fallback text
Define glue strings
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: setting: Unknown slot "d".</syntaxhighlight>

This modifier allows to set some internal variables that will be used by other functions. It takes a variable number of arguments, relying on the first argument to understand how many other arguments to read. A few examples will introduce it better than words:

  • <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    ↳ Set the value of iteration delimiter to |, then list all values
  • <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    ↳ Set the value of both header text and iteration delimiter to |, then list all values
  • <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    ↳ Set the value of both header text and iteration delimiter to |, set key-value pair delimiter to =, then list all parameters
  • <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>No parameters were passed</syntaxhighlight>
    ↳ Set the value of both header text and iteration delimiter to |, set key-value pair delimiter to =, set fallback text to No parameters were passed, then list all parameters

The first argument is a slash-separated list of lists of slots to assign; one slot is referred by exactly one character and each list of slots maps exactly one argument. A slot indicates which internal variable to set. If more than one slot is aggregated within the same slash-separated list the same text will be assigned to more than one variable.

The slots available are the following:

Slots Variable Description
i Iteration delimiter The string of text that will be placed between each iteration; it is never inserted unless there are two or more parameters to show.
p Key-value pair delimiter The string of text that will be placed between each parameter name and its value; it is never inserted by functions that only iterate between values, or by functions that pass the key-value pairs to external calls.
h Header text The string of text that will be placed before the iteration begins; it is inserted printed if there are no parameters to show.
f Footer text The string of text that will be placed after the iteration is over; it is never inserted if there are no parameters to show.
n Fallback text The string of text that will be placed if there are no parameters to show.

In theory, instead of assigning different slots at once (i.e. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:...</syntaxhighlight>), it is possible to write separate invocations of setting for each variable, as in <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:...</syntaxhighlight>. This method will be slightly less efficient.



Modifier squeezing
Num. of arguments0
See also
Rearrange all parameters that have numerical names to form a compact sequence starting from 1, keeping the same order
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "pipe function name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

This modifier does not take arguments besides the name of the function that will follow.

The following three concatenations will lead to the same result of discarding all parameters with numerical names:

  1. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:...</syntaxhighlight>
  2. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:...</syntaxhighlight>
  3. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:...</syntaxhighlight>



Modifier cutting
Num. of arguments2
See also
sequential, squeezing
Remove zero or more parameters from the beginning and the end of the parameter list
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: cutting: Left cut must be a number.</syntaxhighlight>

The first argument indicates how many sequential parameters must be removed from the beginning of the parameter list, the second argument indicates how many sequential parameters must be removed from the end of the parameter list. If any of the two arguments is a negative number its absolute value indicates what must be left on the other side – i.e. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight> indicates that the last three arguments must not be discarded.


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

If the absolute value of the sum of the two arguments (left and right cut) is greater than the number of sequential parameters available, the behavior will be the same as if the sum had been equal to the number of sequential parameters available, both when this is a positive value and when it is a negative value (with opposite results). After the desired sequential parameters have been discarded all numerical parameters will be shifted accordingly.

In some cases it might be necessary to concatenate more than one invocation of the cutting function. For instance, notice the |cutting|1|0|cutting|-1|0 code in the following imaginary {{Foobar see also}} template in order to properly show the “and” conjunction and possibly an Oxford comma when more than two page names are provided:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">


Template:A note Although <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "..." does not exist.</syntaxhighlight> de facto gets rid of all sequential parameters, it is clearer and more idiomatic to write <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "..." does not exist.</syntaxhighlight> to obtain the same effect. Writing <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "..." does not exist.</syntaxhighlight> will leave zero arguments to show.



Modifier with_name_matching
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
See also
with_name_not_matching, with_value_matching, with_value_not_matching
Discard all parameters whose name does not match all the given patterns
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "[plain flag 1]" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

Internally this modifier uses Lua's string.find() function to find whether parameter names match against given patterns; therefore, unless a target string is set to plain, please use the same syntax of Lua patterns. The plain flag can be either plain or omitted. When omitted it is assumed that the target string is a Lua pattern.

To express a logical OR the or keyword is available. To express a logical AND instead, concatenate more invocations of with_name_matching.


For the sake of argument we will imagine that we are invoking with_name_matching from within the {{Infobox artery}} template, and this is being called with the following parameters:



Test cases:

  • List only the parameters whose names match against the ^Image pattern:
    ↳ <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round
  • List the parameters whose names match against both patterns ^Image and %d+$:
    ↳ <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round
  • List the parameters whose names match against either the ^Name or the ^Latin$ pattern:
    ↳ <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round
  • List the parameters whose names match against either the ma plain string or the me$ pattern:
    ↳ <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round


Template:A note The pattern arguments passed to this function are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The or and plain keywords, and the with_name_matching function name itself, however, will be trimmed of their surrounding spaces.



Modifier with_name_not_matching
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
See also
with_name_matching, with_value_matching, with_value_not_matching
Discard all parameters whose name matches all the given patterns
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "[plain flag 1]" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

Internally this modifier uses Lua's string.find() function to find whether parameter names match against given patterns; therefore, unless a target string is set to plain, please use the same syntax of Lua patterns. The plain flag can be either plain or omitted. When omitted it is assumed that the target string is a Lua pattern.

To express a logical OR the or keyword is available. To express a logical AND instead, concatenate more invocations of with_name_not_matching.


For the sake of argument we will imagine that we are invoking with_name_not_matching from within the {{Infobox artery}} template, and this is being transcluded using the same parameters that we had imagined in the previous example at with_name_matching:

  • List only the parameters whose names do not match against the a pattern:
    <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round
  • List the parameters whose names do not match against the a plain string and do not match against the l plain string either:
    <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round
  • List the parameters whose names do not match against either the a plain string or the n plain string:
    <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>
    Template:Highlight round


It is possible to use this function to check for unknown parameters:

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Everything is good: do something</syntaxhighlight>

For simple cases like this, however, specialized modules are available; you might want to have a look at:


Template:A note The pattern arguments passed to this function are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The or and plain keywords, and the with_name_not_matching function name itself, however, will be trimmed of their surrounding spaces.



Modifier with_value_matching
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
See also
with_name_matching, with_name_not_matching, with_value_not_matching
Discard all parameters whose value does not match all the given patterns
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "[plain flag 1]" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like with_name_matching, but applied to parameter values instead of names.

Internally this modifier uses Lua's string.find() function to find whether parameter names match against given patterns; therefore, unless a target string is set to plain, please use the same syntax of Lua patterns. The plain flag can be either plain or omitted. When omitted it is assumed that the target string is a Lua pattern.


<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">0</syntaxhighlight>


Template:A note The pattern arguments passed to this function are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The or and plain keywords, and the with_value_matching function name itself, however, will be trimmed of their surrounding spaces.



Modifier with_value_not_matching
Num. of argumentsAd libitum
See also
with_name_matching, with_name_not_matching, with_value_matching
Discard all parameters whose value matches all the given patterns
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "[plain flag 1]" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

Exactly like with_name_not_matching, but applied to parameter values instead of names.

Internally this modifier uses Lua's string.find() function to find whether parameter names match against given patterns; therefore, unless a target string is set to plain, please use the same syntax of Lua patterns. The plain flag can be either plain or omitted. When omitted it is assumed that the target string is a Lua pattern.

For instance, before calling list, the following code will get rid of all blank parameters (i.e. parameters whose values contain only zero or more spaces):

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>


Template:A note The pattern arguments passed to this function are not trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces. The or and plain keywords, and the with_value_not_matching function name itself, however, will be trimmed of their surrounding spaces.



Modifier trimming_values
Num. of arguments0
Remove leading and trailing spaces from values
<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Lua error: The function "pipe function name" does not exist.</syntaxhighlight>

This modifier does not take arguments besides the name of the function that will follow.

Most modifiers are order-dependent, therefore placing trimming_values in different positions can generate different results. For instance, imagining our {{Example template}} being called with the following spaced arguments: <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:Example template</syntaxhighlight>, if {{Example template}} contained the following code,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

the following text would be printed: 1=wanna|2=be|3=my|4=friend|5=?. But if instead it contained the following code,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

no arguments would be shown.

Order affects also performance, and how many values will be trimmed of their leading and trailing spaces will depend on where trimming_values is placed. For instance, if a template were invoked with 50 parameters and its code contained <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight>, first all its values would be trimmed of leading and trailing blank spaces and then its first 49 parameters would be discarded. On the other hand, writing <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline></syntaxhighlight> would first discard 49 parameters and then trim the only value left, resulting in a more efficient code. As a general rule, placing trimming_values as the last modifier is always the best choice.

Placing trimming_values together with non-sequential will result in an empty call with no effects, because non-sequential parameters are stripped of their leading and trailing spaces by default.

Using trimming_values makes this module behave like many Wikipedia modules behave. For example, if we wanted to emulate Template:Ml, writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

will be equivalent to writing,

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>

whereas writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext">Template:Trim</syntaxhighlight>

will be equivalent to writing

<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext"></syntaxhighlight>



  1. To be precise, the order will not be strictly alphabetical, because this would imply that a template called with the following parameters <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:Foobar</syntaxhighlight> would see them reordered as follows: <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:Foobar</syntaxhighlight> (with the dot in the middle between negative and positive numbers). To avoid this, numbers are always displayd first (i.e. <syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline>Template:Foobar</syntaxhighlight>).

See also