Funkin' at Freddy's Initial Release Februrary 26, 2022 (1.0) Type of Mod Original Credits
GP12810 (Creator)
JcJack777 (Director and artist)
Ellisbros (Co-Director and artist)
Srife5 (Charter)
Clover (Charter)
GibzInk (Charter)
Gonk/Gonksticles (Charter)
Loggo (Charter)
Nyles (Charter)
Snak (Charter)
Snapple_Snap (Charter)
Tellysayhi (Charter)
Jacaris (Composer)
EthanTheDoodler (Composer)
Cval (Composer)
Wrathstetic (Composer)
Emihead (Composer)
Ironik (Composer)
RedTV (Composer)
Lydian (Composer)
Joura (Composer)
Rapwned (Composer)
Sturm/ChurgneyGurgney (Composer)
TaeSkull (Composer)
TheWahBox (Composer)
Zeroh (Composer)
Scrumbo (Composer)
Penkaru (Composer)
kiwiquest (Composer)
MewMarrissa (Composer)
fluffyhairs (Composer)
Rareblin (Composer)
Spag0s (Artist)
Fabs_ (Artist)
TravelerSnak (Artist)
Notakin (Artist)
Orbyy (Artist and coder)
Ellisbros (Artist)
ThatGoofyGuy (Artist)
Snak (Artist)
Piss Bottler (Artist)
Clowfoe (Artist)
Marco Antonio (Artist)
KaosKurve Art (Artist)
Offbi (Artist)
NateTDOM (Artist)
TheGrandestGoon (Artist)
EthanTheDoodler (Artist)
sGaryman (Artist)
Notakin (Artist)
FriendFred (Artist)
Mocha (Artist)
useraqua_ (Coder)
DuskieWhy (Coder)
Ash-Stat (Coder)
Engine Psych Engine (V1) Mendo Engine (V2) Development Status Released (Updating)
Fight against the Purple Guy himself in a nostalgic trip back to when Five Nights at Freddy's was still new, visit familiar places, and play secret songs filled with important figures and characters from the series. Follow Afton, he wants to show you something special...
Unaware of certain rumours, a hungry Boyfriend decides to visit Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for a bite to eat. After he finishes his pizza he's approached by a staff member who asks if he'd like to sing, Boyfriend agrees and the two decide to put on a show for the children of the restaurant! This can't possibly go wrong, right?
Minigame Boyfriend's idle.
Minigame Boyfriend's down pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's left pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's right pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's up pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's down miss pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's left miss pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's right miss pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's up miss pose.
Minigame Boyfriend's icons.
Ghost Boyfriend's left pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's down pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's up pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's right pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's down miss pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's left miss pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's right miss pose.
Ghost Boyfriend's up miss pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's idle.
Phantom Boyfriend's down pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's left pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's right pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's up pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's down miss pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's left miss pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's right miss pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's up miss pose.
Phantom Boyfriend's icons.
Pixel Boyfriend's down pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's left pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's right pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's up pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's "Hey!" pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's down miss pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's left miss pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's right miss pose.
Pixel Boyfriend's up miss pose.
3D Boyfriend's down pose.
3D Boyfriend's left pose.
3D Boyfriend's right pose.
3D Boyfriend's down miss pose.
3D Boyfriend's left miss pose.
3D Boyfriend's right miss pose.
3D Boyfriend's up miss pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's idle.
Consequences Boyfriend's down pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's left pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's right pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's up pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's down miss pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's left miss pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's right miss pose.
Consequences Boyfriend's up miss pose.
Afton's night idle sprite.
Afton's night right pose.
Suited Afton's idle sprite.
Suited Afton's down pose.
Suited Afton's left pose.
Suited Afton's right pose.
Suited Afton's old idle animation.
Afton's panic right pose.
Afton being springlocked.
Springtrap's WIP sprites.
RWQFSFASXC's idle sprite.
RWQFSFASXC's old animations.
MatPat's left pose animation.
MatPat's down pose animation.
MatPat's up pose animation.
MatPat's right pose animation.
Pixel MatPat's idle sprite.
Pixel MatPat's down pose.
Pixel MatPat's left pose.
Pixel MatPat's right pose.
Animdude's idle animation.
Animdude's left pose animation.
Animdude's down pose animation.
Animdude's up pose animation.
Animdude's right pose animation.
Animdude's phone animation.
Animdude holding a phone.
Animdude's unused down pose.
Animdude's unused left pose.
Animdude's unused right pose.
Animdude's unused up pose.
Old Man Consequences's idle sprite.
Old Man Consequences's down pose.
Old Man Consequences's left pose.
Old Man Consequences's right pose.
Old Man Consequences's up pose.
Purple Guy Animatronic's Idle
Teaser image for Fourth Wall.
Download Links
GameBanana Mod Download
Game Jolt Mod Download
Google Drive Mod Download
Chromatic Scales
Springtrap Chromatic Scale
Fourth Wall Project Files
Animdude Model
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