Phantastical Boundaries is a mod in which BF raps against Yukari and various other characters from the Touhou series.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend were enjoying a peaceful evening stroll one evening, when suddenly the two lovers would find themselves transported to a mystical wonderland called Gensokyo, the land that rests between dreams and reality. There the two would find their captor, a mysterious youkai by the name of Yukari Yakumo, who, in traditional fashion, challenges Boyfriend to a rap battle. Can Boyfriend defeat this powerful new foe or will he and Girlfriend become servants for all of eternity?
Intro Text
Charming Domination
Night Falls
Innocent Treasures
Funky Capriccio
From Sado
Pure Furies
Ultimate Truth
Border of Life
Super Express
Mary the Magician
Lunatic Blue
Yog Sothoth
Old Innocent Treasures
Old Pure Furies
The song of a girl who has been forgotten by the universe itself.
BF "I Love You"
GF Dialogue 1
GF Dialogue 2
GF Dialogue 3
GF Dialogue 4
GF Dialogue 5
GF Dialogue 6
Yukari "Easy Mode"
Junko "The bell tolls"
Junko "It is impossible"
Junko "You can deny it all you want"
Junko "Faiths bends to no one!"
Junko "Laughts"
Junko "Your Transformation is Complete"
Kiki "I am You"
Kiki "Easy Mode 1"
Kiki "Easy Mode 2"
Maribel "You are wrong! I won't believe you!"
Maribel "No. You are the foul Monster!"
Maribel "I'm the hero of my own story"
Maribel "He won't torture me no longer!"
Maribel "HNNNG!"
Maribel "Renko, no please..."
Maribel "RENKOOOOOOO..."
Maribel "Nononono..."
Maribel "Your Fear empowers me!"
Maribel "Look, before you speak..."
Maribel "No... it can't..."
Renko Dialogue 1
Renko Dialogue 2
Renko Dialogue 3
Awww... I love that new Shikigami smell, now... for my first order of business...
*Snort* Huh? My apologies, your lackluster performance caused me to fall asleep.
If i knew you would lose this easily, i would have stayed on bed.
You should have surrendered when you had the chance, Mortal.
This rapping... you call it, is nothing more than a foolish means to delay your inevitable death.
This is what happens when you love someone too much. Heartbreak. If only you heeded my words sooner...
Maybe i should let clumpy have some fun with you. She would enjoyed watching Lunacy take over your mind.
Well Shit. Seems like you are not as good as I thought you would.
Is that really the best you got? C'MON! I know you can do better!
Ha! Maybe I should get on my knees and help ya, perhaps that will get you to perform better?
Finally... I can have him again!
Boyfriend is mine now! Go die in a ditch you SKANK!
Heh, I promise to take care of Boyfriend for ya. Don't worry, he won't miss you...
Cough Cough...Jeez, how do you keep speaking those Beep sounds without tiring up?!
Well that's a dissapointment... Here I thought you would have won.
And that's what they call a magical Astronomy! I..uhm.. I have no idea how can Renko do that...
Singing alongside Renko, i find myself Unbeatable! So it was only natural you lose.
Your defeat was foretold in the STARS... Not really. I just wanted to sound cool, hehehe...
I heard drinking beer helps you with your music career! At least that's what an indie game dev told me...
Man...What a shame that you two failed your initiation, I was really looking to having a demon on the club!
The chances of either of you defeating Mary and me are more impossible than dividing by zero!
Singing alongside Renko, i find myself Unbeatable! So it was only natural you lose.
Come on Honey! We can't give up now!
Oh my little Honey, if you try again you win, I promise that you will get lucky tonight, hehehe...
Heh I say transforming you into a parrot was quite clever of me. After all, you can only repeat what i'm saying.
Hmmm... I'm craving some fried chicken right now. I think you'll do...
And here I thought my Niece had a real man, but with those pathetic orbs of yours, I would be ashamed to call you a Tanooki.
Don't get your feathers rustled, you blue bird of patheticness. I'm simply better.
HA! You call that a rap battle? I'm fairly more challenging than you.
Ughhhh... another boring fight, and here I thought you had potential.
Guess i should be called the Crimson Rapper now, heheh... that was pretty good.
Rapping?! Really Yukari? Is this best plan you have?
HA! Pathetic. Now you need to repair us for the troubles that you've caused us in the past!
Mhhh...Mhh...Mmmhhh! You should try this! I heard this peaches can make you good at anything!
I DID warn you about trains!
I heard someone say they like trains... Was that you, Deary?
Since you lost, can I eat your soul now? What? You'll live just fine without it.
So this was the human that Yukari had told me about? How dissapointing! Anyone could have put a better fight.
Mmmm... seing this state that you are in now, I've got a sudden craving for oysters. I hope you don't mind volutering as the main ingredient!
Freaky Menu Theme
Breakfast Theme
Game Over Theme
Gensokyo Theme
Cutscene Theme
Chouka Theme
Folklore Theme
Yukari's poses.
Yukari's idle sprite.
Yukari's down pose.
Yukari's left pose.
Yukari's right pose.
Yukari's up pose.
Yukari's Icons.
Yukari's standing idle sprite.
Yukari's standing down pose.
Yukari's standing left pose.
Yukari's standing right pose.
Yukari's standing up pose.
Yukari's idle sprite as a playable character.
Yukari's down pose as a playable character.
Yukari's left pose as a playable character.
Yukari's right pose as a playable character.
Yukari's up pose as a playable character.
Yukari's down miss pose as a playable character.
Yukari's left miss pose as a playable character.
Yukari's right miss pose as a playable character.
Yukari's up miss pose as a playable character.
Yukari's game over as a playable character.
Yukari's Icons as a playable character.
Birdfriend's idle sprite.
Birdfriend's down pose.
Birdfriend's left pose.
Birdfriend's right pose.
Birdfriend's up pose.
Birdfriend's down miss pose.
Birdfriend's left miss pose.
Birdfriend's right miss pose.
Birdfriend's up miss pose.
Birdfriend's blueballs screen..
Birdfriend's Icons.
Boyfriend's idle sprite in Act 3.
Boyfriend's down pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's left pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's right pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's up pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's down miss pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's left miss pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's right miss pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's up miss pose in Act 3.
Boyfriend's game over Act 3.
Girlfriend and Yukari's sprite.
Goatfriend sprite.
Girlfriend's sprite in Act 3.
Girlfriend's idle sprite as a playable character.
Girlfriend's down pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's right pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's left pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's up pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's down miss pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's right miss pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's left miss pose as a playable character.
Girlfriend's up miss pose as a playable character.