Playable Koity Songs

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Revision as of 01:23, 22 March 2024 by Jedevari (talk | contribs)
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Playable Koity Songs
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Koifrontation drawing.
Type of ModOther
EnginePsych Engine
Development StatusReleased


"hi this is playable koity songs hey hello

as said in the little psych thing this is just songs and charts cus i can't draw or code incase you aren't from /funkg/ (or are from /funkg/ but don't know her) koity is a retake on koi and her mod that i want to do because i didnt like koi's new design and don't find the new songs up to par from what i've heard, mod probably wont ever be fully "released" with art and shiz but hey might as well get the songs out there

basic jist of her is that she's a 19 y/o autistic video game addict with more than a few insecurities (and also a bra stuffing chestlet), vidya and fantasies (which are sometimes violent) are a form of escapism for her hope you guys enjoy the charts"




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