Friday Night Monster of Monsters is a mod centered around the iconic NES Godzilla Creepypasta by Cosbydaf, in which Godzilla faces off against an arrange of various deranged and terrific monsters. Also featuring several other Godzila related media.
Amoeba (Godzilla Mix)
Amoeba (Mothra Mix)
Mysterian (Godzilla Mix)
Mysterian (Mothra Mix)
Spawn (Godzilla Mix)
Spawn (Mothra Mix)
Zephyr (Earth; Godzilla Mix)
Zephyr (Earth; Mothra Mix)
Massive Nuclear Aggressors
Bad Omen (Godzilla Mix)
Bad Omen (Mothra Mix)
Bad Signal (Godzilla Mix)
Bad Signal (Mothra Mix)
Out of Place (Godzilla Mix)
Out of Place (Mothra Mix)
Zephyr (Godzilla Mix)
Zephyr (Mothra Mix)
Remnant (Godzilla Mix)
Remnant (Mothra Mix)
Boletus Mons (Godzilla Mix)
Boletus Mons (Mothra Mix)
Martian Clash (Godzilla Mix)
Martian Clash (Mothra Mix)
Metal March (Godzilla Mix)
Metal March (Mothra Mix)
Paramnesia (Godzilla Mix)
Paramnesia (Mothra Mix)
Alomnesia (Godzilla Mix)
Alomnesia (Mothra Mix)
Wilting (Godzilla Mix)
Wilting (Mothra Mix)
Bio War (Godzilla Mix)
Bio War (Mothra Mix)
Redkiller (Godzilla Mix)
Redkiller (Mothra Mix)
Trypophobia (Godzilla Mix)
Trypophobia (Mothra Mix)
Forlorn Colossus
Hope Eater
Ozymandias/Grieving (Godzilla Mix)
Ozymandias/Grieving (Mothra Mix)
Stray (Godzilla Mix)
Stray (Mothra Mix)
Unbelievable Destroyers (Godzilla Mix)
Unbelievable Destroyers (Mothra Mix)
American Port
Dead Cells
Deus Ex Machina
Gravity Unleashed
False Emperor
Suitmation Trials
First Instance
Too Scratch
First Instance (V2; Unfinished)
Removed from the Pathos hotfix due to not being finished in time for release.